The Observatoire du monde arabo-musulman et du Sahel (Observatoire of Arab-Muslim World and Sahel) aims to give an experts and researchers glances over interconnected and sometimes conflictual zones.
The Observatoire contributes to reinforce the knowledge of this complex area through an interdisciplinary approach mixing French and Foreigners policy analysts, strategy experts, economists, sociologists and anthropologists and the exchange with various administrations. Round-tables, seminars, are organized on a regular basis (with an Annual Conference) and notes and studies published.
We put the hinge on the fact that the Observatoire pursues a weekly survey on Arab social networks (published in French.)
Research team
Latest publications
The Defence Industrial and Technological Base of the Gulf countries
Abir Sadellah, April 18, 2019Fulani people and Jihadism in Sahel and West African countries
Boukary Sangare, February 8, 2019Archives 2019
- Niger: sustainable stability or precarious balance ?, Christian Connan, Hugo Sada, Note, January 14, 2019
Archives 2018
- Israel's Diplomatic Offensive in Africa, Alhadji Bouba Nouhou, Note, December 21, 2018
- The process of Disarmament-Demobilization-Reintegration (DDR) in Mali: a journey full of pitfalls, Anne Savey, Marc-André Boisvert, Note, December 21, 2018
- The economic presence of China in the Maghreb: Ambitions and limits, François Lafargue, Note, October 29, 2018
- Prospects for peace in Yemen, Helen Lackner, Note, October 12, 2018
- The Emirate of Kuwait Challenged by Succession, Carine Lahoud Tatar, Note, September 28, 2018
- Egypt after the presidential elections, Clément Steuer, Note, September 1, 2018
- Palestinian Arab Protest in Israel today, Elisabeth Marteu, Note, August 30, 2018
- Post-ISIS: Mapping Mosul’s Challenges, Renad Mansour, Alia Al-Kadi, Study, July 9, 2018
- The incomplete restructuring of Egypt’s African policy, Yasmine Farouk, Note, May 22, 2018
- The Syrian Reconstruction Question, Issues and Dynamics, Joseph Daher, Note, January 29, 2018
Archives 2017
- Le retour de l’État irakien dans les "territoires disputés", Arthur Quesnay, Note, November 26, 2017
- Morocco’s Regional Ambitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Royal Diplomacy, Jean-Yves Moisseron, Jean-François Daguzan, Note, October 4, 2017
- The Consequences of Hezbollah’s military intervention in Syria on the Lebanese Shia population and Relations with Israel, Joseph Daher, Note, September 26, 2017
- Towards reforming the Burkinabé security system?, Ludovic Ouhonyioué Kibora, Mamadou Traoré, Niagalé Bagayoko, Note, September 26, 2017
- The Tribal Structure in Libya: Factor for fragmentation or cohesion?, Mohamed Ben Lamma, Study, September 20, 2017
- The 2018 presidential election in Mali, Adam Thiam, Note, September 19, 2017
- Lebanon: Political leadership confronted by Salafist ideology, Tine Gade, Note, July 20, 2017
- The Jordanian Muslim brotherhood movement: from pillar of monarchy to enemy of the state, Hana Jaber, Note, July 17, 2017
- Russia’s quest for influence in North Africa and the Middle East, Isabelle Facon, Note, April 11, 2017
- Saudi Arabian uncertainties in Lebanon (January 2011 – January 2017), Ziad Majed, Note, February 16, 2017
Archives 2016
- Current Developments in the Egyptian Salafist Scene, Clément Steuer, Note, November 24, 2016