Other publications and works
This category includes publications signed by FRS researchers in journals and books in France, in Europe or abroad, as well as certain other, exceptional publications.
Latest publications
EUROPEAN DEFENCE FUND - Assessment after three calls for proposals
Hélène Masson,
Défense & Industries n°19
, November 28, 2024« French Space Security in Historical Perspective: Balancing Strategic Autonomy and Cooperation »
Xavier Pasco,
in The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, Oxford Academic
, 2024« Planning for a Post-American Europe »
François Heisbourg,
Survival, Vol. 66, n°3
, June 3, 2024CSIS European Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear Dialogues : 2023 Consensus Statement
Bruno Tertrais (among the authors), Emmanuelle Maitre,
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
, avril 2024What if Nuclear Deterrence was an Obsolete Concept?
Pierre Boussel,
Trends Research & Advisory
, 03 April 2024Territorializing Maritime Spaces: The Case of China
Valérie Niquet,
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Policy Brief
, January 29, 2024The “Rebirth” of Europe-Taiwan Relations: Explaining Europe’s New Balance Between Beijing and Taipei
Philippe Le Corre,
Asia Society Policy Institute
, January 10, 2024European Defence Fund: beneficiary profile after two calls for proposals (2021-2022)
Hélène Masson,
Technical report
, January 2024India-France Trilaterals in the Indo-Pacific: Imperatives, Interests, Initiatives
Thibault Fournol, Shairee Malhotra,
ORF (Observer Research Foundation), Occasional Papers
, December 4, 2023The Beijing-Moscow Axis: Evolving European Perspectives
Philippe Le Corre,
Asia Society Policy Institute
, October 2023Archives 2023
- « « A Winding Road Before Scaling-Up? Defense AI in France » »,
- « Africa’s Railway Renaissance The Role and Impact of China »,
- « « How to End a War: Some Historical Lessons for Ukraine » »,
- « Towards a new missile crisis in Europe? »,
- « How to Reduce the Impact of Internal Contestation, Regional Fragmentation and Multipolar Competition on EU Foreign and Security Policy »,
- « Syria: A Multifaceted and Challenging Crisis for EU Foreign and Security Policy »,
- « The Vicious Circle of Fragmentation: The EU and the Limits of Its Approach to Libya »,
- « « The Consequences for Europe of a Successful Chinese Invasion of Taiwan » »,
- « War in Ukraine: Nuclear Signalling, Coercion and Deterrence »,
Archives 2022
- « The EU as an (In)Significant Player in Libya »,
- « Is Nuclear Deterrence a Cost-Effective Policy ? »,
- « The Evolving Role of Europe »,
- « « Does the Rise of China Threaten the Transatlantic Partnership? » »,
- « « Nuclear Deterrence and Strategic Stability in Europe: French Positions and Perceptions » »,
- « Entangling alliances? Europe, the United States, Asia, and the risk of a new 1914 »,
- « The Spectre of Nuclear Weapons Haunts Russia's Invasion War on Ukraine »,
- « Russia's Threat of Nuclear Weapons in Its War with Ukraine Is at the Heart of the Deterrence Paradox »,
- « Arms Control and Delivery Vehicles: Challenges and Ways Forward »,
- « Real and Imagined Challenges to Strategic Stability »,
- « Working paper on strategic risk reduction »,
- « Strengthening economic cooperation while defending the status quo : the deepening of relations between Europe and Taiwan »,
Archives 2021
- « « Euro-Atlantic Security and the China Nexus » »,
- « Regional Fragmentation and EU Foreign and Security Policy »,
- « Coping With Natural Disasters: How the EU Can Support More Effective DPRK Disaster Management Mechanisms »,
- « China’s Influence in Southeastern, Central, and Eastern Europe: Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Four Countries »,
- « Precursor Programmes of the European Defence Fund »,
- « European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP). Results of the EDIDP 2019 and EDIDP 2020 calls. Data and insights. »,
- « « African states and The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation » »,
- « « Nuclear Security: The Challenges of Physical Protection Systems » »,
- « « Space Security in the 21st Century: A French View » »,
- « « The European Defence Fund and Space: Added Values and Priorities » »,
- « Principles of Nuclear Deterrence and Strategy »,
- « French Perspectives on Disarmament and Deterrence »,
- « Europe’s Tightrope Diplomacy on China »,
- « Joe Biden, the US and the fight against nuclear terrorism »,
- « European and American approaches toward Chinese direct foreign investment »,
- « Joe Biden, the U.S. and the Challenges of Iran and North Korea »,
- « Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America’s Allies »,
- « Europe Can Afford the Cost of Autonomy »,
- « Continuity or Change? »,
- « Joe Biden and Collective Security in Europe »,
- « Great Power Rivalry in Asia: Thucydides Trap or Leninist Power Game »,
Archives 2020
- « Taiwan attrition : China crosses the Rubicon »,
- « Polar power play : Chinese-Russian relations on ice »,
- « Europe, Arms Control and Strategic Autonomy: Understanding the Equation for Effective Action »,
- « BRI: Implications for Europe »,
- « Strictly enforcing sanctions without closing the door: France’s position on international sanctions against the DPRK »,
- « The lull before the storm: the worst may be yet to come in the Korean Peninsula »,
- « President Macron on French Nuclear Deterrence »,
- « Strengthening Conventional Arms Control in Europe: Small steps to overcome big hurdles »,
- « France's response to COVID-19 »,
- « How the Coronavirus Pandemic Shattered Europe’s Illusions of China »,
- « Predation and Predators in the Post-Alliance Era »,
- « From Wuhan to the World: How the Pandemic Will Reshape Geopolitics? »,
- « Interacting with violent extremisms: A semantic tool »,
- « International Security Forum Bonn 2019 »,
- « Francophone jihadist glossary »,
- « Reinvigorating the EU’s Strategy Toward North Korea: From Critical Engagement to Credible Commitments »,
- « The use of the Digital Fence system is a crucial part of Taiwan's current epidemic prevention measures »,
- « NATO 4.0: The Atlantic Alliance and the Rise of China »,
- « France’s Deterrent Strategy and the Indo-Pacific »,
- « Space and the Future of Europe as a Global Actor: EO as a Key Security Aspect »,
- « From critical engagement to credible commitments: a renewed EU strategy for the North Korean proliferation crisis »,
- « China Maritime Strategy Since 2018 : Tactical Appeasement or Strategic Evolution ? »,
- « Becoming a disarmament champion: the Austrian crusade against nuclear weapons »,
- « From new space to big space: How commercial space dream is becoming a reality »,
- « Various Threats of Space Systems »,
Archives 2019
- « The Philosopher and the Practitioner »,
- « The French Defence Industry »,
- « Web Wars: Preparing for the Next Cyber Crisis »,
- « One Hundred Years after the Paris Peace Conference: A Welcomed Change in Mutual Perceptions »,
- « A new French Space Command »,
- « No First Use, No Deterrence »,
- « Power balance: Japan’s Role in the Indo-Pacific under the constraints of big powers priorities [...] »,
- « Military Exercises: The Russian Way »,
- « Putin 4.0 Trends – Is there anything new? »,
- « Sharing the Same principles: An essential factor for Cooperation, Stability and the Resolution of Territorial issues in the Indo-Pacific »,
- « The Korean Peninsula: Between Autonomy And Dependency »,
- « Will Europe Get Its Own Bomb ? »,
- « Trump’s Trap: Europe, Iran, and the Future of the Nuclear Deal »,
- « Stemming the Exploitation of ICT Threats and Vulnerabilities : An Overview of Current Trends, Enabling Dynamics and Private Sector Responses »,
- « Missile Technology and Challenges Arising from its Proliferation »,
- « Challenges for the Future of Space Defence »,
- « Shareholder nationality among the major European and American defense contractors: an exploratory data analysis »,
- « North Korea as a Nuclear State »,
- « The Coming of Ages of the EU Strategic Thinking on Asia Part 2:Understanding Each Other Challenges:Towards a New Partnership with Japan »,
- « The Finger on the Button »,
- « NATO is doing fine, but the Atlantic Alliance is in trouble »,
- « European Trilateral Track 2 Nuclear Dialogues »,
- « The Finger on the Button: The Authority to Use Nuclear Weapons in the Nuclear-Armed States »,
- « EU preparedness against CBRN weapons »,
- « Dealing with violent extremist and terrorist offenders: Formalising cooperation among police, prison, probation and prosecution »,
- « The Franco-German Tandem: Bridging the Gap on Nuclear »,
- « A Second Nuclear Age? A View From France »,
Archives 2018
- « Europe's Defence: Revisiting the Impact of Brexit »,
- « The European Dimension of Nuclear Deterrence : French and British Policies and Future Scenarios »,
- « Red Herring & Black Swan: A Bomb for Europe? »,
- « « Space and Security Relationships Issues from a Political and Technological Point of View » »,
- « Countering hybrid threats: EU and the Western Balkans case »,
- « Public hearing on nuclear deterrence »,
- « Trump’s Trap: Europe, Iran, and the Future of the Nuclear Deal »,
- « Speech on the DPRK at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Warsaw »,
- « Responses to Lewis A. Dunn's proposal of "strategic weapons" »,
- « The Mechanisms of Prevention and Detection of CBRN Illegal Material Transfers Across Borders and Within the EU »,
- « Russia’s Nuclear Policy: Worrying for the Wrong Reasons »,
- « The Legacy of France's Colonial Past in Asia and its Consequences for Contemporary International Relations and Conflict Resolution »,
- « Does Russia really include limited nuclear strikes in its large-scale military exercises? »,
- « Between substance and appearance: China’s « smile diplomacy » towards Japan decrypted »,
Archives 2017
- « Innovative Methods and Procedures to Assess Counter-violent-radicalisation Techniques in Europe »,
- « The Thick Red Line: Implications of the 2013 Chemical-Weapons Crisis for Deterrence and Transatlantic Relations »,
- « Testimony before the European Parliament on North Korea »,
- « Notebook on International Defence Companies 2017 »,
- « The Grim Gamble of the Trump Administration on Iran »,
- « A statistical approach to ownership: links between the major european and US contractor »,
- « Disrupting Launch Systems: The Rise of Spacex and European Access to Space »,
- « Tabletop Exercise on the Implementation of Article VII of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention »,
- « "On The Brink"—Really? Revisiting Nuclear Close Calls Since 1945 »,
- « Kaesong, Caught between Two Koreas »,
- « Reforming Ukrainian Defense: No Shortage of Challenge »,
- « Tsai Ing-wen’s New Southbound Policy: the view from the mainland »,
- « Challenges to Freedom of the Seas and Maritime Rivalry in Asia »,
- « The Emperor vs the Adults: Donald Trump and Wilhelm II »,
- « Russia’s National Security Strategy and Military Doctrine and their Implications for the EU »,
- « Russian Strategic Culture in the 21st Century: Redefining the West-East Balance »,
- « EU-India Cooperation on Space and Security »,
Archives 2016
- « The Future of the U.S. Alliance System : Will It Survive the Trump Presidency? »,
- « Back to the Basics: Counterterrorism Cooperation and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation »,
- « The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation: Relevance to African States »,
- « Russian Military Presence in the Eastern Partnership Countries »,
- « Nuclear deterrence and the Alliance in the 21st century »,
- « Radical Islamic Terrorism in France: A Structural Threat? »,
- « Brexit and European Security »,
- « Proliferated Drones : A Perspective on Russia »,
- « Article 5 of the Washington Treaty: Its Origins, Meaning and Future »,
- « The effects of Finland's possible NATO membership »,
- « What the NATO ‘enhanced’ force on the eastern border should look like »,
- « The PLA reforms : Tightening control over the military »,
- « EU Global Strategy Expert Opinion »,
- « Alliance at Risk : Strengthening European Defense in an Age of Turbulence and Competition »,
- « The Revenge of History »,
Archives 2015
- « The Strategic Implications of the Syrian Refugee Crisis »,
- « Iran: An Experiment in Strategic Risk-Taking »,
- « Deterrence at Three: US, UK and French Nuclear Cooperation »,
- « The Return of Great Power Politics »,
- « The French Experience: Sarkozy's War? »,
- « Understanding Deradicalization: Pathways to Enhance Transatlantic Common Perceptions and Practices »,
- « Russia's Perspective on the US Pivot: Opportunities and Constraints in the Asia Pacific »,
- « The Challenge of Future Space Systems and Services in Europe: Industrial Competitiveness Without a Level Playing Field »,
- « The Modest Price of Preserving Peace »,
- « Letter From Paris »,
- « More Union in European Defence »,
- « Preserving Post-Cold War Europe »,
- « NATO's limited influence on national defence budgets »,
Archives 2014
- « Africa Breaking Out »,
- « Taking Stock: A zone free of WMD and means of delivery in the Middle East »,
- « Roundtable on Security in Space »,
- « Libya and Mali Operations: Transatlantic Lessons Learned »,
- « Nuclear Proliferation - Looking Back, Thinking Ahead »,
- « Collective Defence and Common Security: Twin Pillars of the Atlantic Alliance »,
- « Defense Budget Crisis May Leave Lasting Marks on France’s Military »,
- « Enhancing compliance of the BTWC through national implementation and other means »,
- « Judy Asks: Will the EU Vote Bury Foreign Policy? »,
- « Potentials and pitfalls of the Weimar Triangle »,
- « The EU Without the Euro »,
- « France and the Ukraine Crisis: A Delicate Balancing Act »,
- « Uranium from Niger : A key resource of diminishing importance for France »,
- « Political Issues of Satellite Telecommunications »,
Archives 2013
- « The Four Straw Men of the Apocalypse »,
- « Hollande’s Israel Visit Smoothed by France’s Iran Stance »,
- « As Hopes for Nuclear Deal Rise, Iran’s Missiles Still Pose Problems »,
- « An Overview of the SAFIRE Project: A Scientific Approach to Finding Indicators and Responses to Radicalisation »,
- « The Lessons of the Syria Deal, in Iran and Beyond »,
- « Leading on the Cheap? French Security Policy in Austerity »,
- « US Policy Change and Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Interests »,
- « Consolidating the European Space Policy requires an evolution of its governance, which is currently structured around three main types of actor »,
- « Moscow's Global Foreign and Security Strategy : Does the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Meet Russian Interests? »,
- « Stocktaking Study of Military Cyber Defence Capabilities in the European Union (milCyberCAP): Unclassified Summary »,
- « Europe: spread (not lost) in space »,
- « A Surprising Little War: First Lessons of Mali »,
- « Judy Asks : Can France Avert a New Afghanistan in Mali? »,
Archives 2012
- « France and the Future of the European Union »,
- « Star Wars Rebooted : Global Missile Defense in 2017 »,
- « In the Shadow of the Euro Crisis »,
- « The Demise of Ares: The End of War as We Know It? »,
- « A Nuclear-Armed Iran Would Not ‘Stabilize’ Anything »,
- « Nuclear Proliferation – Looking Back, Thinking Ahead: How Bad Would the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be ? »,
- « The Geostrategic Implications of the Competition for Natural Resources: The Transatlantic Dimension »,
- « All alone? What US retrenchment means for Europe and NATO »,
To consult our publications prior to January 1, 2012, you can visit our web site archives.frstrategie.org