The Geostrategic Implications of the Competition for Natural Resources: The Transatlantic Dimension

After recalling some of the historical precedents, this paper describes the salient characteristics of the contemporary competition for natural resources: the rapid rise of Chinese and Indian demand; the changing role of the United States as an energy supplier; the growing importance of climate change in moving from the traditional interaction between the territorial nature of raw materials; and the laws of supply and demand to a more complex, systemic approach. Some of the corresponding strategic implications, both global and regional, are outlined along with their potential consequences in terms of U.S.-European relations, and transatlantic policy recommendations are flagged. Although nonenergy minerals will be alluded to, the main focus is on nonrenewable energy resources.


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The Geostrategic Implications of the Competition for Natural Resources: The Transatlantic Dimension


François Heisbourg,

Transatlantic Academy

, March 1, 2012

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