Research team

Benoit Wagner

Research fellow

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Eléments biographiques

Benoit Wagner is a research fellow at the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique. His research focuses on cyberdefense, space security and strategy. He provides expertise to various civil and military institutions.

Expérience professionnelle

  • Teaching assistant, methodology classes: Introduction to survey tools in social sciences, EHESS (master’s degree)
  • Teaching assistant, seminar Law and strategy of global spaces, EHESS (master’s degree)
  • Teaching assistant, seminar Cosmos: history and geographies of the occupation of outer space, political and technological issues, EHESS (master’s degree)


Benoit Wagner is a doctoral student in political studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), writing a thesis entitled Protecting French space systems against cyber operations: a cyber threat intelligence approach. This thesis takes an original view at space cyberdefense issues, with an applied dimension and an interdisciplinary approach, combining issues of strategy, cybersecurity and space defense.

The thesis was an opportunity to carry out an original experiment with a a three-day wargame (Beware your satellite) involving over forty peoples with a view to simulating cyber operations targeting space systems. This wargame was organized with the support of the French Defense Innovation Agency, ONERA, CNES, Airbus Defence and Space, the French Space Command, various military staffs and the French Gendarmerie nationale.

Benoit Wagner was a research grant recipient of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), funded by the Defense Innovation Agency. He is affiliated with the Centre Alexandre Koyré (CAK) at EHESS and the Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and Applications (Loria) at the University of Lorraine and INRIA. He also obtained a master’s degree in political studies from EHESS and he studied law at Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1).


  • « Les cybermenaces : un nouvel enjeu pour la sécurité spatiale », Policy Papers, coll. Analyse technico-capacitaire, Institut d’études de stratégie et de défense, Université Lyon III, March 2021.
  • Défendre les systèmes spatiaux face aux cybermenaces, Actes de la journée d’étude de l’École des Officiers de la Gendarmerie nationale (in progress).