Between war and decarbonization: what does the concept of energy security mean in the North Atlantic area?
Date: March 5, 2024 from 14:30 to 16:00
FRS and U.S. Embassy & Consulates in France are pleased to invite you to a webinar, Between war and decarbonization: what does the concept of energy security mean in the North Atlantic area?, which will be held online on Tuesday, March 5, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm (CET).

Energy is one of the fundamental pillars of every society since it provides the impulse for all activities, and its availability guarantees the durability of the economy. One of the consequences of the war in Ukraine has been to bring the highly strategic dimension of energy back up. For Europe, the stakes are high: securing energy implies working on its energy import dependences, which until now have been unbalanced in favor of Russia, while maintaining the decarbonization trajectory. Consequently, the United States has turned into a key player in energy security for Europe by becoming Europe’s largest supplier of LNG and by engaging in energy-related bilateral dialogue with the European Union. It appears necessary to share best practices related to energy security and decarbonization in order to overcome these two challenges that bind Europe and the United States. From a transatlantic perspective, under the security/decarbonization prism, what lessons should Europe learn from the war in Ukraine to improve its energy situation lastingly? What strategies can be successfully implemented to secure energy supply in Europe? What policies could effectively combine decarbonization and energy security?
Opening remarks
Lawrence Randolph, Minister Counselor for Public Affairs, US Embassy in Paris
Jane Nakano, Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Dr. Nicolas Mazzucchi, Research Director, French Navy Center for Strategic Studies (CESM)
Loyle Campbell, Research fellow, German Council for Foreign Affairs (DGAP)
Annabelle Livet, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (FRS)

Between war and decarbonization: what does the concept of energy security mean in the North Atlantic area?
Type: Webconférence
Date: March 5, 2024 from 14:30 to 16:00
Between war and decarbonization: what does the concept of energy security mean in the North Atlantic area ?