Harnessing transparency potential for missile non-proliferation
Date: February 17, 2022 from 16:00 to 17:00
FRS is pleased to invite you to the launch of a recent HCoC Research Paper written by Katarzyna Kubiak on "Harnessing transparency potential for missile non-proliferation". It will be held online on Thursday, February 17, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm CET.
Information is key for non-proliferation efforts. But the times when information was the exclusive purview of governments are over. Affordable, commercial and open-source monitoring capabilities empower states and societies alike, while challenging the ability of governments to preserve secrecy. Technological democratisation means that information is practically becoming a public good. And it allows for unprecedented transparency.
This research paper explores how transparency affects missile-related activities, how growing access to technologies increases transparency and what further opportunities and challenges it creates for the Hague Code of Conduct against the proliferation of ballistic missiles (HCoC).
This webinar, organised with the support of the European Union, is part of FRS's HCoC project, which aims at promoting the universalisation of the Code and creating a forum for addressing topics linked with ballistic missile proliferation.
Introductory remarks : Narcisa Vladulescu, Chair of the CONOP Working Party on Non-Proliferation, EEAS, European Union
Speaker: Katarzyna Kubiak, Senior Policy Fellow, ELN
Discussant: Melissa Hanham, Independent expert
Moderator: Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS

Harnessing transparency potential for missile non-proliferation
Type: Web conference
Date: February 17, 2022 from 16:00 to 17:00