The Oxford Handbook of War

En librairie

 Julian Lindley-French, Yves Boyer (dir.)

, janvier 2012


  • List of Contributors
  • Introduction
  • Part I - The Fundamental Causes of War
    • Defining War
    • Strategy and War
    • How History Shapes war
    • The Collision of Modern and Post-Modern War
    • Alliances and War
    • Brazil, India, and China: Emergin Powers and Warfare
  • Part II - The Moral and Legal Aspects of War
    • Morality and War
    • The Evolving Legal Aspects of War
  • Part III - Theories on the Practice of War
    • The History of Grand Strategy and the Conduct of Micro-Wars
    • The Strategic Object of War
    • Nuclear Deterrence and War
    • Unconventionnal Forms of War
    • Terrorism and War
  • Part IV - The Strategic Conduct of War
    • Strategic Leadership and War
    • Intelligence and War
    • The Pol/Mil Interface and War: The French at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
    • Managing War
  • Part V - Non-Western Ways of War
    • The Russian Way of War: In Crisis?
    • The Twenty-First Century War: Chinese Perspectives
    • The Japanese Way of War
  • Part VI - The Military Conduct of War
    • Military Coalitions in War
    • Military Leardership in a Changing World
    • The Art of Command in the Twenty-First Century: Reflections on Three Commands
    • Hybrid Conflict and the Changing Nature of Actors
    • Conducting Joint Operations
    • Counterinsurgency and War
    • The Role of Logistics in War
    • Land Warfare
    • Maritime Warfare and the Importance of Sea Control
    • Air Warfare
    • Teaching War
  • Part VII - Technology, Economy, Industry, and War
    • The Limits of Technology in War
    • Space: A New Theatre of War?
    • Affording War: The British Case
    • Industry and War
    • Procurement and War
    • The Defence Industry in the Contemporary Global Security Environment
  • Part VIII - Civil-Military Cooperation and War
    • The Changing Relationship Between Society and Armed Forces
    • Clear, Hold, and Build: Operationalizing the Comprehensive Approach
    • Building a Multilateral Civilian Surge
  • Part IX - War and Society
    • Demography and Warfare
    • Communicating War: The Gamekeeper's Perspective
    • Communicating War: The Poacher's Perspective
  • Part X - Does War Have a Future?
    • Does war have a future?
    • Conclusions:The Unpredictability of War and its Consequences
  • index