Conseil au Parlement européen

Défense et sécurité (2014-2018)

La FRS était chargée de conseiller la Commission Sécurité et Défense (SEDE) du Parlement européen par le biais d’études et d’ateliers sur des grandes questions internationales la concernant. Elle menait ces activités en association avec les partenaires suivants : Chatham House (Royaume-Uni), SIPRI (Suède), CIDOB (Espagne), ELIAMEP (Grèce), HIIA (Hongrie), GRIP (Belgique), MEDAC (Malte), et avec le soutien des chercheurs Alessandro Politi, Christian Mölling et Claudia Major.

Public hearing on nuclear deterrence
Audition publique / 22 février 2019

Speech of Benjamin Hautecouverture at the European Parliament.


EU preparedness against CBRN weapons
Étude / 1 janvier 2019

The European Union faces an increasingly challenging security environment, with a climate of international instability and a level of tension not seen since the end of the Cold War. Repeated chemical attacks by both State and non-state actors in the context of the Syrian conflict, the Novichok attack in Salisbury and the disruption of two ricine terror plots in Germany and in France in 2018 came all as stark reminders that the threat remains real and that Member States could be affected. In this context, the European Union (EU) continues to strengthen its capacities in the field of CBRN preparedness and response. The use of EU mechanisms and Member States’ military assets is one of the possibilities for strengthening prevention capacities that must be explored more thoroughly.


Countering hybrid threats: EU and the Western Balkans case
Étude / 1 septembre 2018

The aim of the workshop, held on 26 February 2018, was to assess and discuss the EU’s approach to hybrid threats in its neighbourhood using the Western Balkans as a case study, in the context of the extensive use of propaganda by Russia and its meddling into several elections and in the aftermath of the 2014 events in Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea. The first speaker, Jean-Jacques Patry, presented the concept of hybrid threat at various levels and the EU approach and measures to tackle it, particularly in the Western Balkans. The second speaker, Nicolas Mazzucchi, delivered a presentation on Russia’s declining influence in the Western Balkans (on behalf of Isabelle Facon, who authored the briefing but could not attend the workshop) and added some of his own analysis on energy and cyber issues. The presentations were followed by a debate with members of the Security and Defence Committee of the European Parliament.


Élargissement de l'UE, voisinage oriental, politiques du Nord, pays européens non membres de l'UE, EEE, Russie et Asie centrale (depuis 2019)

La FRS est chargée de conseiller le Parlement européen dans les domaines de l'élargissement de l'UE, du voisinage oriental, des politiques du Nord, des pays européens hors UE, de l'EEE, de la Russie et de l'Asie centrale. Les activités peuvent prendre la forme de brefs résumés et de longs rapports, mais peuvent également consister en des ateliers et des conférences organisés au Parlement européen. Cette activité est mise en œuvre avec un consortium de partenaires, composé du Conseil européen des relations extérieures (ECFR), du New Strategy Center (NSC) et de plusieurs experts indépendants.