The ASEAN’s role and centrality in the Indo-Pacific and the concept of FOIP: a view from Japan
Japan Program
Ambassador Masafumi ISHII,
November 8, 2021
Masafumi ISHII was the Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia till December 2020 and retired from Japanese Foreign Service in January 2021, having served there for more than forty years.
He graduated from Tokyo University and joined MOFA in 1980. His posts in Tokyo include Director for Policy Planning, Special Assistant to Foreign Minister, Director General for Global Issues and Legal Advisor.
His overseas experience covers Washington DC, where he served twice, London, Belgium and NATO as the Ambassador. His last post, which lasted for almost four years, was in Jakarta.
He has frequently participated in international seminars and symposiums and has extensive experience in working with partners in ASEAN countries.
He is presently teaching International Law at Gakushuin University as well as providing advice to a number of Japanese private companies.
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The ASEAN’s role and centrality in the Indo-Pacific and the concept of FOIP: a view from Japan
Ambassador Masafumi ISHII, November 8, 2021