Research team
Alexandre Taithe
Senior research fellow
Biographical information
Alexandre Taithe is research fellow and head of Environmental an Security division at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) since 2007.
Researcher in Political Sciences, he focuses on the link between Environment and Security. He is especially working on freshwater management (domestic and interstates tensions, link between energy, agriculture and water) and Climate Change (geostrategic issues, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions).
He was or is currently teaching in the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), the University of “Pau et des Pays de l’Adour”, and in the Catholic University of Paris.
He published several books and articles on these issues (Partager l’eau. Les enjeux de demain, Paris, Editions Technip, 2006, 168p., L’eau. Un bien. Un droit, Paris, Unicomm, coll. Stratégie et Prospective, novembre 2008, 214p., L’eau en Méditerranée : fonder une stratégie commune. Services de l’eau, climat, sécurité, ed. with Pierre Beckouche and Zoé Luçon, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2010, 160p., Les Frontières invisibles de l’eau. Géopolitique des eaux souterraines transfrontalières, Paris, Éditions Technip / Ophrys, with Franck Galland, Bruno Tertrais, to be published (French : December 2017, English : March 2018) .
Thematic competences:
- Groundwater management
- Water - Energy - Agriculture – Climate Nexus
- Water public policies
- Intergovernmental cooperation (international river basins, international environmental negotiations)
- Domestic tensions on renewable natural resources (political and social stability)
- Climate change (carbon economy, climate negotiations, security consequences)
Regional competences:
- South Asia
- Africa Great Lakes
- Arctic
- China
- Maghreb- Mashreq